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September 22, 2014

Microbeads in Toothpaste: What You Need to Know from Dr. Cohlmia in El Reno, OK

178067655Microbeads are tiny, round particles of polyethylene, a plastic commonly used in cosmetics, body wash, shampoos, and facial cleansers. Microbeads have also been added to many types of toothpaste for aesthetic reasons. They come in a variety of colors and offer a sparkling effect that many consumers find enjoyable. Recently, however, microbeads have come under considerable scrutiny in the news as patients and dentists debate their safety. At El Reno Family Dentistry in El Reno, OK, Dr. Adam Cohlmia and his team are always here to answer your pressing questions about oral health and hygiene. Today, we’d like to address the topic of microbeads in toothpaste.

Are Microbeads in Toothpaste Harmful?

First, it is important to note that microbeads provide no oral health benefit whatsoever, so patients who choose a toothpaste without microbeads aren’t missing out on anything useful. In fact, steering clear of these little plastic bits may actually help you avoid periodontal problems. Various dentists from across America have reported finding the tiny beads embedded in their patients’ gums. Any foreign object trapped beneath the gum line has the potential to cause irritation, and patients who do not see the dentist regularly may not even realize their risk until inflammation develops.

In addition to the potential risk to your smile, microbeads are not biodegradable and have been found in sources of fresh water in various areas of the country. Though further research must be conducted, it is relatively safe to say that microbeads in our water supply would be something to avoid.

Our doctor recommends that patients who are concerned about microbeads find an alternative that doesn’t include the plastic spheres. Any regular white toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) should provide the oral health benefits you need without the worry of unnecessary additives.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Do you have questions or concerns about your oral health or your home hygiene routine? Dr. Cohlmia and his team are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about the way your oral healthcare products affect your smile, and schedule you visit to our El Reno, OK dental office. Our state-of-the-art practice warmly welcomes families from throughout nearby communities in Calumet, Hinton, Minco, and surrounding areas in Canadian County. We look forward to serving you!

August 18, 2014

How Can You Prevent Heart Disease?

460469071A shocking statistic, about 600,000 Americans die of heart disease every year, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women. Annually, 720,000 Americans have a heart attack, and 515,000 of those are their first heart attack. It is no secret that heart disease is definitely something that everyone should be extremely conscious of, and taking preventative measures against heart disease is crucial to living a long life of heart health. Thankfully, the American Heart Association has given people in all age ranges tips that they can live by in order to achieve wonderful cardiac health. Dr. Michael Kirk and Dr. Adam Cohlmia want their patients to be as knowledgeable as possible in order to have a healthy heart.

One thing you can do while you are in your 20s is find a doctor whom you trust and have regular wellness exams. This is very important in making sure that everything in your body is running copasetic and working in tandem.  It is important that your doctor knows about your diet and lifestyle. Your doctor will be able to perform heart-health screenings, making sure that everything internally is working well. Also, being physically active and avoiding tobacco-based products, even secondhand smoke, is a wonderful way to make sure your heart stays in great condition. In your 30s, it is important to know your family history of heart disease, as knowledge is always very powerful.  When you know your family history with heart disease, you can take the proper steps in making sure you avoid heart disease altogether. Taming your stress is another wonderful thing you can do in your 30s in order to avoid heart disease. When you experience stress long-term, that can result in an increased heart rate and heightened blood pressure, giving your arteries the opportunity to damage.

When you are in your 40s, paying attention to your weight and having your blood sugar level checked are important. Your metabolism starts slowing down in your 40s, and adding on extra weight on your body only puts stress on your heart to work harder. You should have a fasting blood glucose test by the time you are 45, and every three years after that. Paying attention to snoring is also important, as one in five adults suffer from sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

In your 50s and 60s, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, focusing on a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish, and having some meals without meat. Being aware of the warning signs of heart disease and stroke are also important, as you can be more aware as to what to look for. Being sure you stay on any sort of treatment plan you may have is another wonderful way to avoid heart disease. Also in your 60s, having an ankle-brachial index test done every two years is important, as it is able to measure the amount of plaque that has been able to build up in the arteries of the leg.

By keeping these tips in mind, you are sure to be more aware of your risk of heart disease, and will have many preventative measures already in place in order to accomplish a full life with a healthy heart!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

July 9, 2014

Preventative Dentistry for the El Reno Community

shutterstock_149625803There are many things that go into making sure you have a beautiful, healthy smile. From brushing your teeth to flossing, it really is the little things that make a difference in the overall health of your smile. A big aspect in making sure your smile is the best that it can be is with preventative dentistry. With biannual dental checkups and other preventative measures, Dr. Michael Kirk and Dr. Adam Cohlmia are able to make sure your smile is the best it can be, and it is important for our patients to know about the options they have in ensuring their oral health.

The biggest aspect in preventative dentistry is dental checkups. During your checkup, our doctors will leave no stone unturned when looking for any sort of decay or potential problems in your smile. Part of the checkup includes inspection of your soft tissues, looking for signs of oral cancer or periodontal (gum) disease. Our doctors will inspect each and every tooth, making sure that all is well. Should we find anything in your smile that requires attention, our doctors will tackle the situation immediately. Also, should we find old dental work that needs replacing, such as fillings, crowns, inlays, and etcetera, we will be happy to replace them with tooth-colored alternatives, giving you a more natural looking smile.

The reason why preventative dentistry such as dental checkups is so important is because by looking for problems every six months, we are able to handle potentially harmful situations early on, saving you pain and money.  Oral cancer claims 7,500 lives every year, and if treated early, we can control and eliminate the harm. We recommend bringing your children, as young as two years of age, into our office to establish healthy oral routines early, and, as always, that you come into our El Reno office every six months for your own health and care!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

June 9, 2014

Get A Smile Makeover with Cosmetic Dentistry!


Having a perfect, beautiful smile is definitely something a lot of people strive for. A flawless row of teeth is a sign of health and vitality, and people go through great lengths to achieve such a goal. Many people consider a smile a first impression, and it is important to make sure you put your best smile forward! The doctors at El Reno Family Dentistry are able to offer an assortment of cosmetic dentistry options, always keeping in mind that their patient’s flawless smile is the goal.

Our cosmetic dentistry options at our practice allow our doctors to deliver a perfect smile for their patients. Veneers and Lumineers are able to transform your smile in a very short amount of time. Lumineers require minimal, if any, preparation of your natural tooth, and are able to fix cracked, stained, misaligned, and gapped teeth in an instant. Veneers require minimal tooth preparation, which also reduces the potential for tooth sensitivity. Both veneers and Lumineers are stain resistant and give you a stunning smile that can last for years with proper care and maintenance.

Invisalign Clear Braces are able to give you the beautiful, straight smile you have always wanted. Discreet and effective, Invisalign straightens your smile through a series of clear aligners, all designed specifically for you. Simply wear the aligner for the given amount of time then switch to a new one to start the next phase in your straightening process. By the end of the aligner series, your smile is straight and beautiful!

Teeth whitening, another option in our cosmetic dentistry line, is able to turn your smile from dull to lustrous! Whether you choose our in-office whitening or our at home-whitening, your smile will be transformed eight whole shades lighter, removing deep stains in very little time!

If you are interested in our cosmetic dentistry options and want to know how they can benefit you, set up and appointment at our office, and we will be happy to help!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

May 29, 2014

Which Toothpastes Are The Best?

shutterstock_72848476Having good oral care is important for the care of the rest of your body. Many people may not know this, but if you have poor oral health, other areas of your body are affected, like your bones, your brain, and your heart. Brushing and flossing your teeth daily are an excellent way in making sure you stay on top of your oral health, but a lot of people may be confused as to which toothpastes are the best for them. The doctors at El Reno Family Dentistry are dedicated to making sure their patients stay as informed as possible, even down to the types of toothpastes they use in order to achieve excellent oral health.

One of the most important things to keep in mind when choosing a toothpaste is making sure the toothpaste contains fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that has been shown to significantly decrease the odds of tooth decay over the past fifty years. The bacteria in your mouth thrive on the leftover sugars and starches that reside in your smile after eating, and fluoride helps fight against the acid released when that happens. Fluoride is a key component is strengthening your tooth enamel, and it can reverse the early stages of damage caused by acid by replenishing minerals your smile.

Another important thing to keep in mind when choosing a toothpaste is to find one that controls tartar. Tartar is hardened plaque, a bacterial layer. If tartar is not removed promptly and properly, it has the potential to lead to gum disease. Also, some tartar control toothpastes contain triclosan, an antibiotic that kills some of the bacteria in your mouth. It is also important to keep in mind finding a toothpaste that’s ADA approved. This way, you know the toothpaste is safe, effective, and contains fluoride!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

April 22, 2014

How To Make Brushing Teeth Fun For Kids

shutterstock_166055237Many parents may find it difficult to make oral care exciting and fun for their children. Getting your child to brush their teeth may be a hassle, every morning and night being a feat to overcome. Although some parents have come up with creative ways to make sure brushing teeth is fun, some parents still may be wondering how they can get their children to be excited about good oral care. Dr. Adam Cohlmia and Dr. Michael Kirk are avid believers in establishing good oral care routines early on, and we have some suggestions for parents who are wanting to make brushing teeth time into fun time!

One of the things parents can do to make brushing teeth time fun for their children is to join them in the fun! Brush your teeth with your children, and it will become a wonderful bonding moment between you.  Show your child how you brush your teeth, and let them mimic you. Fun toothbrushes are also a wonderful way to make oral care fun! If your child has a favorite cartoon movie or superhero, having their toothbrushes match is a wonderful way to get them excited about brushing their teeth.

Another great way to get kids excited about brushing their teeth is to have tasty toothpaste! There are many flavors of toothpastes made especially for children, helping them enjoy the experience much, much more. Making up a song is another wonderful way to get children excited about brushing their teeth. Kids usually respond more to song rather than words, so making the experience a fun, musical one is definitely a way to get the on the right track of wanting to take care of their smile. No matter how you choose to make brushing teeth a fun experience, make sure your child’s smile is the top priority, and accomplishing great oral care will be a breeze!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

March 18, 2014

Take Advantage of Our Invisalign Special!

she seems happy...Having gapped or misaligned teeth can really put a strain on how you feel about yourself. If you are not confident in your smile, it can leak into many different areas of your life. You may find it difficult to put yourself out there, meet new people, or do simple things just to avoid the embarrassment. Thankfully, Dr. Michael Kirk understands the insecurities people may have about their smile, which is why he offers Invisalign to his patients.

When people think about braces, they may think about the traditional braces and having a mouth full of metal. Though traditional braces are an option, you may want a solution that is more discreet and accommodating to your lifestyle. That is where Invisalign comes in. Being barely visible on your teeth, this is a wonderful option for those who want to keep their straightening process under the radar.

Invisalign works by using a series of aligners made specifically for your smile. Each aligner signifies a stage in your straightening process, and when you have completed one stage, simply apply the next aligner in the series and move forward to the next stage. At the end of the series of aligners, your smile is straight and beautiful!

If you are worried you will not be able to afford Invisalign, you are in luck, as El Reno Family Dentistry is offering an amazing special for our patients! Through March and April, we are offering $500 off of Invisalign! It is our way of thanking our patients for being so wonderful and loyal to our practice. Take advantage of this amazing offer, and start your journey to a perfect, straightened smile today!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

February 17, 2014

Celebrate National Children’s Dental Month at El Reno Grand Dental Studio

She's excited about brushing her teef!Though February is National Children’s Dental Month, many people may not think their child’s smile is anything to worry about. A child’s smile is just as important, if not more, than an adult’s, as their teeth are more at risk of being infected. Dr. Michael Kirk and Dr. Adam Cohlmia understand the importance of your child’s smile, which is why they offer children’s dentistry!

It is important to establish healthy dental habits in your child at an early age. When your little one becomes aware of the proper ways to take care of their teeth early on, they are able to carry those healthy routines with them throughout their life. An important aspect in children’s dentistry is dental sealants. The molars and premolars have deep grooves and pits, giving bacteria an ideal breeding environment. The dental sealants offer your child’s smile protection by covering those grooves, preventing harmful bacterium from making your child’s smile their home. Dental sealants are a key component in cavity prevention, as the molars and premolars are the primary chewing teeth.

Another important area in children’s dentistry is fluoride treatments. Fluoride is an interesting mineral, as they attract other minerals to help your child’s teeth become strong. Tap water is a good way for your child to get fluoride, but because many people use bottled water, your child could be missing out. When your child comes in for their appointment, our team will be able to determine whether or not their smile needs a fluoride boost. Both dental sealants and fluoride treatments are wonderful and effective ways to keep your child’s smile as healthy and beautiful as possible!

Take advantage of National Children’s Dental Month, and make your child’s appointment today! We will be able to set them up for success, and they will be able to have a wonderful smile!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

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