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January 5, 2015

Renew Your Smile with El Reno’s Most Reliable Restorative Dentistry Office Today

480447601Do you think your smile is beyond repair? Dr. Cohlmia wants you to know that it’s never too late to restore damaged, decayed, or missing teeth. Today, restorative dentistry offers several fast and effective methods for repairing even the most neglected smiles. To discover how easily your smile can be renewed, make an appointment with Dr. Cohlmia and his highly qualified team of restorative dental professionals at El Reno Family Dentistry today. Dr. Cohlmia is a trusted restorative family dentist. El Reno Family Dentistry proudly serves patients of all ages throughout El Reno, OK, Minco, Hinton, Calumet, and the surrounding Canadian County communities.

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is characterized by the prevention and treatment of diseases of the teeth in order to restore or bring them back to their best health. Restorative dentistry also includes the repair or replacement of damaged or missing teeth.

What Are Your Restorative Dentistry Options?

  • Dental Implants: Dental implants can fully replace missing teeth and tooth roots with tiny biocompatible titanium posts. Dental implants are permanent and can be cared for just like natural teeth. Dental implant surgery is an alternative to dentures and bridgework.
  • Dental Crowns and Bridges: Teeth that have a lot of decay or fractures, or have undergone root canal therapy, may require a dental crown in order to restore the full form and function of the remaining tooth structure. Dental crowns also are used when a very deep cavity has rendered a tooth vulnerable to further decay. A fixed dental bridge can be used along with a dental crown to restore more than one tooth. The dental crowns are cemented into place by the dental bridge and the surrounding healthy teeth.
  • Dental Partials and Dentures: Complete dentures are used when an entire row of teeth are missing, where as partial dentures are used when some natural teeth still remain. Removable partial dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to gum-colored plastic bases along with a metal framework that clasps around your remaining teeth.
  • Tooth Colored Composite Fillings: A dental filling is used to fill in an area of a tooth that has been removed due to decay. Cavities that require a dental filling are usually rather shallow. To fill a cavity, Dr. Cohlmia will begin by using a special dental drill to clean out the decayed area of the tooth. The decay is then removed and the tooth is cleaned. Tooth colored composite material is then bonded to the tooth to replace its natural form, color, and functioning.

El Reno Restorative Dentistry Appointments

Remember, it’s never too late to remake your smile. Make your restorative dentistry appointment with Dr. Cohlmia and El Reno Family Dentistry today. Dr. Cohlmia can help you find your confident smile again. El Reno Family Dentistry restores smiles daily throughout El Reno, OK, Minco, Hinton, Calumet, and nearby Canadian County areas.

December 1, 2014

Pediatric Dentistry 101: Brush Two Minutes Twice a Day for a Healthy Smile

177114098Is Your Child Safe from Tooth Decay?  The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives now recommends children brush their teeth for “two minutes, twice a day,” to reduce the chance of developing childhood tooth decay. Regular dental checkups, along with a healthy oral hygiene routine, can ensure a lifetime of positive dental experiences for your child. To protect their developing smile, make an appointment with Dr. Cohlmia and his experienced team at El Reno Family Dentistry today. Dr. Cohlmia is committed to the prevention of tooth decay for every member of your family. Dr. Cohlmia’s kid friendly dental office proudly serves patients of all ages daily throughout El Reno, OK, Minco, Hinton, Calumet, and the surrounding Canadian County communities.

Why Are Pediatric Dentistry Appointments So Important?

Your child’s primary teeth are vital to the development of their jaws and the placement of their permanent teeth.  Dental decay (cavities) in your child’s primary teeth can cause many problems including pain, infection, and damage to the developing permanent teeth.  Dental decay in children can begin in the first year of life; however, it’s entirely preventable with proper dental hygiene routines and regular dental checkups. Since dental decay in children can progress very rapidly, it’s critically important that your child see’s a dentist early, and often for optimal oral health.

8 Pediatric Dentistry Tooth Brushing Tips

  • Encourage your kids to brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day
  • For kids age 3 and under, brush using a rice grain sized amount of toothpaste
  • Use a pea-sized dab of fluoride toothpaste for kids ages 3-6; use slightly more after age 7
  • Teach them to spit out the toothpaste when they’re done so they don’t swallow it
  • Help your kids place the toothbrush at an angle against their gums
  • Make sure they move the brush back and forth, gently, in short strokes
  • Help them brush the front, back, and top of teeth
  • Teach them to brush their tongue to remove germs and freshen their breath

Pediatric Dentistry Appointments in El Reno, OK

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that your child starts visiting a dentist at twelve months, with semi-annual visits thereafter. Our pediatric dentistry experts can keep your child safe from tooth decay and infection with thorough oral examinations, dental sealants, and fluoride treatments. You can also rest assured that we will do everything we can to make sure your child has a fun and positive dental visit. In fact, Dr. Cohlmia and the highly qualified team at El Reno Family Dentistry can provide great dental experiences, excellent oral health, and beautiful smiles for your entire family. Make your child’s next dental appointment with Dr. Cohlmia and his family-friendly dental team at El Reno Family Dentistry today. Dr. Cohlmia is dedicated to keeping your child smiling all year long. El Reno Family Dentistry is trusted by families throughout El Reno, OK, Minco, Hinton, Calumet, and nearby Canadian County communities.

October 27, 2014

There’s Still Time! Use Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year

177361534If you are anything like the majority of working American adults, you most likely spend a portion of your monthly paycheck on a dental insurance plan. Before 2014 comes to an end, make sure you’re getting the most from your dental benefits with Dr. Adam Cohlmia at El Reno Family Dentistry in El Reno, OK.

The Importance of Using Your Benefits

There are three major reasons to utilize your dental insurance before the end of the year, and all of them involve saving you money.

  1. Consider your deductible. Your deductible is the amount of money that a patient must pay out of pocket before his or her dental benefits will take effect. If, for instance, your deductible is $50, you simply pay $50 and then begin enjoying the full benefits of your plan. If you have already met your deductible but have not been back to the dentist, your benefits are going to waste. Furthermore, when your plan resets on January 1st, you will be required to pay your deductible all over again. Use your benefits now to get the most from your plan and the money you’ve already invested.
  2. Yearly maximum. Insurance for dental care is not cumulative, which means that if you don’t use it, you lose it. Take a look at your policy’s yearly maximum (this is typically $1,000 for most plans). Your employer can help you find this amount if you are unsure of your maximum. If you haven’t taken full advantage of this amount, whatever balance is left remaining goes unused and is forfeited when your plan rolls over.
  3. Premiums and getting your money’s worth. If you are paying monthly premiums for dental insurance benefits and you’re not using them, your hard-earned money is essentially going to waste. This may seem like an obvious reason to schedule a dental appointment, but millions of Americans pay into an insurance plan and never come in for so much as a cleaning. Why would anyone want to pay for dental benefits that they’re never going to use?

Naturally, the best reason to visit the dentist is to safeguard the health and beauty of your smile. Dr. Cohlmia will develop a personalized treatment plan just for you, tailored specifically to fulfill your unique oral health needs. Our financial coordinator is always happy to help you with any questions or concerns you have about your insurance plan, so never hesitate to ask!

Maximize Your Dental Health Benefits

Most dental insurance plans run on a calendar year, so December 31st marks the last day before your policy resets. We want to help you make the most of your dental benefits before time runs out! Contact our office today to schedule your visit with Dr. Cohlmia and his caring, experienced team. We look forward to serving your every oral healthcare need. Our family-friendly dental practice in El Reno, OK is privileged to serve patients from throughout El Reno, Minco, Hinton, Calumet, and surrounding areas in Canadian County. 

September 22, 2014

Microbeads in Toothpaste: What You Need to Know from Dr. Cohlmia in El Reno, OK

178067655Microbeads are tiny, round particles of polyethylene, a plastic commonly used in cosmetics, body wash, shampoos, and facial cleansers. Microbeads have also been added to many types of toothpaste for aesthetic reasons. They come in a variety of colors and offer a sparkling effect that many consumers find enjoyable. Recently, however, microbeads have come under considerable scrutiny in the news as patients and dentists debate their safety. At El Reno Family Dentistry in El Reno, OK, Dr. Adam Cohlmia and his team are always here to answer your pressing questions about oral health and hygiene. Today, we’d like to address the topic of microbeads in toothpaste.

Are Microbeads in Toothpaste Harmful?

First, it is important to note that microbeads provide no oral health benefit whatsoever, so patients who choose a toothpaste without microbeads aren’t missing out on anything useful. In fact, steering clear of these little plastic bits may actually help you avoid periodontal problems. Various dentists from across America have reported finding the tiny beads embedded in their patients’ gums. Any foreign object trapped beneath the gum line has the potential to cause irritation, and patients who do not see the dentist regularly may not even realize their risk until inflammation develops.

In addition to the potential risk to your smile, microbeads are not biodegradable and have been found in sources of fresh water in various areas of the country. Though further research must be conducted, it is relatively safe to say that microbeads in our water supply would be something to avoid.

Our doctor recommends that patients who are concerned about microbeads find an alternative that doesn’t include the plastic spheres. Any regular white toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) should provide the oral health benefits you need without the worry of unnecessary additives.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Do you have questions or concerns about your oral health or your home hygiene routine? Dr. Cohlmia and his team are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about the way your oral healthcare products affect your smile, and schedule you visit to our El Reno, OK dental office. Our state-of-the-art practice warmly welcomes families from throughout nearby communities in Calumet, Hinton, Minco, and surrounding areas in Canadian County. We look forward to serving you!

August 18, 2014

How Can You Prevent Heart Disease?

460469071A shocking statistic, about 600,000 Americans die of heart disease every year, making it the leading cause of death for both men and women. Annually, 720,000 Americans have a heart attack, and 515,000 of those are their first heart attack. It is no secret that heart disease is definitely something that everyone should be extremely conscious of, and taking preventative measures against heart disease is crucial to living a long life of heart health. Thankfully, the American Heart Association has given people in all age ranges tips that they can live by in order to achieve wonderful cardiac health. Dr. Michael Kirk and Dr. Adam Cohlmia want their patients to be as knowledgeable as possible in order to have a healthy heart.

One thing you can do while you are in your 20s is find a doctor whom you trust and have regular wellness exams. This is very important in making sure that everything in your body is running copasetic and working in tandem.  It is important that your doctor knows about your diet and lifestyle. Your doctor will be able to perform heart-health screenings, making sure that everything internally is working well. Also, being physically active and avoiding tobacco-based products, even secondhand smoke, is a wonderful way to make sure your heart stays in great condition. In your 30s, it is important to know your family history of heart disease, as knowledge is always very powerful.  When you know your family history with heart disease, you can take the proper steps in making sure you avoid heart disease altogether. Taming your stress is another wonderful thing you can do in your 30s in order to avoid heart disease. When you experience stress long-term, that can result in an increased heart rate and heightened blood pressure, giving your arteries the opportunity to damage.

When you are in your 40s, paying attention to your weight and having your blood sugar level checked are important. Your metabolism starts slowing down in your 40s, and adding on extra weight on your body only puts stress on your heart to work harder. You should have a fasting blood glucose test by the time you are 45, and every three years after that. Paying attention to snoring is also important, as one in five adults suffer from sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

In your 50s and 60s, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, focusing on a lot of fruits and vegetables, fish, and having some meals without meat. Being aware of the warning signs of heart disease and stroke are also important, as you can be more aware as to what to look for. Being sure you stay on any sort of treatment plan you may have is another wonderful way to avoid heart disease. Also in your 60s, having an ankle-brachial index test done every two years is important, as it is able to measure the amount of plaque that has been able to build up in the arteries of the leg.

By keeping these tips in mind, you are sure to be more aware of your risk of heart disease, and will have many preventative measures already in place in order to accomplish a full life with a healthy heart!

If you’d like to set up an appointment, call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

October 23, 2013

Don’t Forget to Use Your Dental Benefits Before the End of the Year in El Reno

It is important to make sure that you’re taking good care of yourself all year long. This is another reason why we have insurance, to make sure that we can afford all the care that we need for our health. As the end of 2013 is approaching, now is the time to make sure you’ve taken full advantage of your dental benefits. We recommend scheduling an appointment with El Reno Family Dentistry sooner rather than later.

All dental insurance plans are different, but frequently there’s a yearly maximum that your plan covers. If you haven’t reached your maximum for the year yet, make an appointment today. Anything leftover will not roll over at the end of the year, so if you don’t use this you will lose it. These dental benefits are

If you need a teeth cleaning, crown, filling or more, now is a great time to schedule your appointment. Some dental benefit plans even offer discounts on these types of services, so check to see what your coverage entails. Make sure you’re taking care of your smile by taking full advantage of your dental insurance benefits. Please call us if you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment.

Interested in learning more about dental insurance or scheduling your next appointment? Call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

August 14, 2013

The Best and Worst Foods for a Healthy Smile

Healthy eating
goes for more than just your body. It’s important to consider your smile when making your food choices. Certain foods can increase your risk of decay, while certain foods can help to protect your smile. At El Reno Family Dentistry, we want to inform our patients of these important food facts.

If you’re going to eat foods that contain a lot of sugar, it is best to eat them with your meal instead of as a snack. At meals, you produce more saliva than at other times, which helps to neutralize the acid and provide your smile a little more protection.

Tea is a better beverage choice than carbonated sodas, which contain a lot of sugar than can erode the enamel on your teeth. Both green and black teas contain polyphenols that interact with bacteria in plaque, helping to kill or at least prevent them from producing acid that can harm your teeth.

Fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber are also a great smile choice. Fiber helps to stimulate saliva production as well as help to clean your mouth. Saliva helps to neutralize acids in your mouth and stop them from harming your smile.

Your smile health can be impacted by the foods you’re eating and how they’re eating them. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll see how these simple tips can help to improve your smile. If you have any questions or want to know more, please give us a call.

Interested in learning more about general dentistry or scheduling your next appointment? Call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

July 18, 2013

Exciting Developments in Root Canal Therapy

Are you suffering from a painful tooth but avoiding visiting the dentist because you don’t want to hear the news that you need root canal therapy?  Today, the staff at El Reno Family Dentistry wants to share news about a scientific research study that may be of interest to you. According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, currently many scientists are developing a way to use stem cells to regenerate tooth tissue for better dental care.

Root canal therapy is used to restore a tooth that has decay that reached the inner pulp, resulting in an often painful infection. Traditionally this is accomplished by removing the decay, replacing it with a dental filling, and capping the tooth with a crown. The tooth will be restored but is now ‘dead’ inside because you’ve just removed all the living tissue.

What the scientists are working on is a way to get teeth stem cells to regrow dental pulp. This could then be placed inside the infected tooth, allowing it to function like a healthy tooth once again. The pulp tissue helps to detect future infections, so this would provide a even higher-quality dental restoration than the technology that currently exists.

If you have a tooth that is infected, we can help with root canal therapy. Please give us a call to stop the discomfort and allow us to restore your tooth to health. We hope that in the future, this important dental research will be translated into a new way of performing root canal therapy that will result in even healthier teeth.

Interested in learning more about general dentistry or scheduling your next appointment? Call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.

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